AI pioneer Innoplexus and phytopharmaceutical company DrD are partnering toRead More
data connections
Why is Network Analysis important for Life Sciences?
Everything is connected! Genes to proteins, proteins to diseases, diseases to drugs, and drugs to proteins. All these connections are both simple and complex at the same time. Sometimes, not only understanding the complexity of the links is difficult, but even finding them is. How do we discover associations between two or three, or three …
Why is Network Analysis important for Life Sciences? Read More »
Why data analytics should be Pharma’s new core competency
Defining your company’s core competency—what you do really well—can set you apart and secure a trajectory of success. Pharma’s core competency has evolved over the years. Initially, it was research and companies that were fortunate enough to discover major blockbuster drugs enjoyed profitable periods of market exclusivity. However, once the pharma market consolidated into large …
Why data analytics should be Pharma’s new core competency Read More »
Why machines need to speak the language of Life Sciences
Do you remember the days when NLP, known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming was all the rage in self-help books and motivational speaking? You remember the self-help gurus preaching the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a method to help you achieve near superpowers to attain your goals by “modelling” the skills of so-called exceptional people. Well, since …
Why machines need to speak the language of Life Sciences Read More »