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Jun 24

Partex and Singapore’s Experimental Drug Development Centre collaborate to bring forward an innovative approach for early drug discovery and development

Frankfurt, Germany, 3rd June 2024, 9am CET Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled...
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Apr 24

Partex Partners with Lupin to Revolutionize Drug Discovery through AI-Driven Asset Search and Evaluation

Frankfurt, Germany, 23 April 2024 – Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled to...
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Innoplexus wins Horizon Interactive Gold Award for Curia App

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Innoplexus Assists in Biomarker Identification

In 2019, Innoplexus worked with Novartis on a pilot program that used Innoplexus’s proprietary artificial intelligence solutions and publicly available data to seek to identify baseline biomarkers of response. Innoplexus was talking to Eric Hughes – global development unit head for immunology, hepatology, and dermatology at Novartis: What is your role at Novartis, and what …

Innoplexus Assists in Biomarker Identification Read More »


Why AI Is a Practical Solution for Pharma

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is gaining more attention in the pharma space these days. At one time evoking images from futuristic science fiction, it now plays a significant role in smartphones, cars, search engines, and financial transactions. But what, exactly, is artificial intelligence? It is a set of very specialized algorithms trained to solve very …

Why AI Is a Practical Solution for Pharma Read More »


You Can’t Find the Needle If You Don’t Know It Exists

This blog is adapted from my book titled “Inside the Cockpit: Navigating the Complexity of Drug Development with AI and Blockchain”. Full copies are available here.  In December 2014, a twenty-nine-year-old investor named Vivek Ramaswamy bought a patent from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) for $5 million. The patent covered an Alzheimer’s drug candidate that had failed GSK’s …

You Can’t Find the Needle If You Don’t Know It Exists Read More »


Build KOL Connections and Leverage Their Networks to Influence Stakeholders

Key opinion leaders (KOLs) play a central role in creating brand value for a pharmaceutical company. They are not only the face of the brand for the outside world but also an irreplaceable resource within the company, bringing new insights and overall enhancement throughout the drug development process. So, who are the KOLs? When a …

Build KOL Connections and Leverage Their Networks to Influence Stakeholders Read More »


Can AI-Enhanced Data Analytics Accelerate Clinical Trials?

The success rate of clinical trials carries significant weight in the business of pharma. In addition to dedicating considerable time and effort, the industry spends billions on R&D every year. Clinical development requires optimal decision-making and multiple insights on various parameters, including identifying trial sites, recruiting patients, coordinating logistics, and overseeing research. Adding pressure to …

Can AI-Enhanced Data Analytics Accelerate Clinical Trials? Read More »


Innoplexus’s Proprietary CAAV Framework for Intelligent Big Data Analysis

The amount of data currently being produced by the life sciences industry is exploding. Medical information alone is expected to double every 73 days by 2020,1 and much of this data is unstructured. If we want to put this extremely complex, vast ocean of data to use, we need to crawl, aggregate, analyze, and visualize …

Innoplexus’s Proprietary CAAV Framework for Intelligent Big Data Analysis Read More »