The Power of GTC Europe
NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference (GTC) Europe is part of the largest global series of events focused on artificial intelligence and its applications across many important fields.
Join us in Munich and discover the latest breakthroughs in autonomous vehicles, high performance computing, healthcare, big data, and more.
Event Date: October 9-11, 2018
Venue: ICM – Internationales Congress Center München Messe München GmbH, Messegelände, 81823 München, GermanyGaurav Tripathi
CTO – Innoplexus
Gaurav is the Co-Founder and CTO of Innoplexus. With a focus on Big Data, Gaurav has more than 12 years of cross-industry expertise and experience across web 2.0, online video, large scale consumer and enterprise infrastructure, public and private cloud services, big data technology and analytics, enterprise security, mobility, IoT, telemetry and social networks.