AI pioneer Innoplexus and phytopharmaceutical company DrD are partnering toRead More
Innoplexus at Blockchain Darmstadt Meetup
What would happen if AI and Blockchain put their force together? Which potential could these combination develop?
Meet Gaurav Tripathi, CTO and Co-Founder of Innoplexus, at the Blockchain-Meetup in Darmstadt to learn why Blockchain plus AI can leverage innovation in healthcare.
This is a meetup for everyone interested in Blockchain. Enjoy the networking with other Blockchain experts and
Blockchain Darmstadt Meetup for everyone who is interested in blockchain: Understanding, sharing experiences with blockchain and discussing specific topics.
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2018
Time: 18:00pm-21:00pm
Blockchain & AI – Why a decentralized intelligence may affect our future
Maksim Balashevich
Founder & CEO of Santiment
Talk 1: Introduction of AI/machine learning by taking the example of big data analysis of the crypto market
Gaurav Tripathi
CTO and Co-Founder of Innoplexus
Talk 2: How can a blockchain-platform dramatically increase the amount of useful data in the drug discovery and development industry?
Patrick Charrier
Inventor & Developer
Talk 3: The new Cryptogame