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Jun 24

Partex and Singapore’s Experimental Drug Development Centre collaborate to bring forward an innovative approach for early drug discovery and development

Frankfurt, Germany, 3rd June 2024, 9am CET Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled...
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Apr 24

Partex Partners with Lupin to Revolutionize Drug Discovery through AI-Driven Asset Search and Evaluation

Frankfurt, Germany, 23 April 2024 – Partex, a leading provider of AI-driven solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, is thrilled to...
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Innoplexus wins Horizon Interactive Gold Award for Curia App

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Co-Creating the Healthcare of Tomorrow

Meet Gunjan Bhardwaj, CEO and Founder of Innoplexus. He will talk about

“What is your scientific narrative — integrating KOLs opinions with customer sentiment”

Fireside Chat: Wednesday, 26 June, 17:55-18:10

Health Horizons is a high calibre, two-day conference focusing on the future of the healthcare industry.
The drastic shift in focus expected in the coming years leave many questions about current business models unanswered. Will the ‘old’ models of the small molecule giants suffice when used on biologics? How will precision medicine and patient stratification affect the pricing and affordability of treatment? How will data companies benefit from the pricing turmoil and how big a part will they play in the future of healthcare? Read more.

When: 26-27 June, 2019

Where: Corn Exchange, Cambridge, UK

Meet us at Health Horizons – Future Healthcare Forum


Gunjan Bhardwaj
CEO and Founder – Innoplexus


Riten Patel
Director Of Business Development