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Jun 24

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KOL discovery, network analysis, & management

What is Ontosight Influence?

Ontosight is a discovery platform that leverages proprietary artificial intelligence technologies to generate continuous insights for life sciences. Ontosight Influence is a module of the platform that enables real-time discovery and network analysis of knowledgeable specialists, key opinion leaders (KOLs), and influencers across the entire drug discovery and development value chain, from preclinical to post-launch support.

The AI-based platform automatically identifies top and emerging KOLs based on our integrated and continuously updated data ocean consisting of millions of documents from varied asset classes such as publications, congresses, clinical trials, societies, HTAs, advocacy groups, and many more, to ensure the latest and relevant information.

What is the data coverage of Ontosight Influence?

Ontosight Influence has over 20 million profiles for top and emerging KOLs and influencers including therapeutic area expert (TAEs) and digital opinion leaders (DOLs). The module covers the life science data ocean of Innoplexus to identify influential scientific specialists from upto 95% of world wide web, including sources such as 35M+ publications, 580K+ clinical trial, 3M+ congresses, 35K+ treatment guidelines etc.

What is the advantage of using this module?

Pharmaceutical companies can leverage this module to accelerate discovery of key opinion leaders and influencers for their support in different scientific and commercial activities. Data is updated continuously to enable high accuracy of information driving informed business decisions. The module is highly customizable on logic and scoring to support multiple use cases. Interactive infographics, visualizations, and power-maps enable exploration of networks for chosen therapeutic area. Get up-to-date live update notifications for your favourite KOLs and influencers.

The module can be leveraged for multiple use cases across drug development life cycle.

  • Identify top KOLs working in different laboratories/institutes on different molecules and drug targets of your interest
  • Discover right set of Investigators for your planned clinical trial
  • Identify KOLs associated with various regulatory agencies and HTAs, for NDA/BLA filing
  • Discover the right set of KOLs associated with various hospitals/societies/congresses
  • Identify the right set of HCPs (Health Care Practitioners) working in patient care
  • Discover the digital opinion leaders from Social media channels in your therapeutic area of interest
  • Discover top network KOLs who can diffuse your information faster
  • Discover broker KOLs to engage and helping to connect with other top KOLs in the area of interest

How can the tool help prioritize KOLs?

Ontosight OntosightⓇ Influence uses proprietary algorithms to score TAEs on the basis of any resource category. It features a score equalizer which empowers the user to score the KOLs based on their specific use case and enables customizable weightage for different asset classes such as publications, congresses, clinical trials, guidelines, regulatory bodies, HTA, societies, advocacy or top hospital.

The tool uses proprietary algorithms to score TAEs on the basis of any resource category. The asset classes are scored primarily on 3 parameters – Recency, Quantity and Quality. The KOLs can be further filtered by geography, body names, committee names, speciality, biomarkers, etc.Influence features a score equalizer which empowers the user to score the TAEs / KOLs based on their specific use case. The score equalizer enables customizable weightage for different asset classes such as publications, congresses, clinical trials, guidelines, regulatory bodies, HTA, societies, advocacy or top hospital.

Does Ontosight Influence allow deep-dive to KOL profiles?

Ontosight Influence allows to deep-dive into TAE / KOL profiles.

The ‘Research Activity’ section which summarizes TAE’s / KOL’s contribution trends for publications, clinical trials, congresses etc. over the time of 5, 10, or 20 years. It also allows to view the overall research interest, such as gene, drug, disease in the form of a word cloud. One can view activity of interest using different resources and details to the original source of the document.

The ‘Network’ tab allows to view connections between chosen KOL and other TAEs /KOLs across the globe. These can be filtered using country.

Moreover, KOLs can be bookmarked. Notifications are generated for new research activity related to the chosen KOLs.

Is Influence free or paid?

Ontosight Influence is a subscription-based platform. Feel free to contact Innoplexus directly to set up a demo and quote. To know more, click here.

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