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Accelerate your research and discovery in life sciences

What is Ontosight Discover?

Ontosight is an end to end search and discovery platform for life sciences. It leverages artificial intelligence and life science ontology build by Innoplexus to generate continuous insights across preclinical and clinical stages of drug development, spanning all major therapeutic areas and indications.

Ontosight Discover is a module of the platform that enables real-time insights from the largest life science data ocean, informing major business decisions and thereby, accelerating the discovery of new therapies.

The module covers upto 95% of world wide web, including sources such as 35M+ publications, 580K+ clinical trial, 3M+ congress articles, 5M+ grants, 26M+ patents, 35K+ treatment guidelines, regulatory bodies, theses and dissertations. The data is updated continuously so as to make sure that the insights generated are always up to date. Moreover, both manual and automated validation takes place to ensure quality of data, to avoid duplication, and to verify the accuracy of the information provided.

What are the benefits of using the module?

Pharmaceutical and biotech companies and CROs can leverage this module to accelerate discovery of evidence related to interventions and indications in order to create novel hypothesis and discover previously unknown concepts from various scientific sources that make up the largest life science data ocean. Some of the major advantages are as follows:

Concept-based search: AI combined with life sciences ontology understands the search term, disambiguates entities, and suggests concepts. It allows to narrow the search space using numerous filter parameters including time, source, and custom weightings to select & sort classify relevant documents.

Real-time data update: Generate insights based on present-day information with the help of our AI technology that crawls 40K+ webpages/second of relevant clinical and medical data. Our life science data repository is continually updated in near real-time to enable informed decisions built around the most recently published data.

Custom newsletters: Stay on top of your unique research area by creating research clusters setting alerts to receive real-time updates as relevant literature, grants, and news are published. Organize bookmarks, citations, sharing & team collaboration with a personalized workspace.

Intuitive visualization: Build insights through intuitive graphs rather than reading thousands of results. Leverage the analytics view to visually understand your search space with a quick glance on top trends, authors, and affiliations. Explore concepts (indications, interventions, or targets) related to your search query through intuitive word clouds.

Detailed deep dives: Understand the mechanism of a drug or potential indications & trials underway with detailed information and ontology connections, or explore gene ontology, phenotypes, and synthetic lethality. Automatically create hooks for gene, drug, and researcher entities from the search query allowing you to find detailed information and ontology connections.

What does ontology have to do with data discovery in life sciences?

Life science language is complex and full of scientific jargon. Normally, life science engines use natural language processing for generating results. However, these results may not always be relevant, as in life sciences the same term can be used to mean different things (for eg. Ca can mean cancer or calcium), or the same indication may be referred with multiple keywords (for eg, lung cancer, cancerous lung, lung carcinoma, malignant lung tumor, etc.).

Ontology is a set of terms, synonyms, concepts, and their relationships which serves as a basis to generate the relevancy of content to the search query. In other words, ontology enables concept-based contextual and relevant search results, which can save research time, help discover connections/interdependencies between irrelevant terms (for eg. obesity and diabetes), and inform important decisions during the discovery stage of drug development.

How can Ontosight Discover generate results relevant to your search query?

Ontosight Discover has four features to help generate real-time, accurate results from the data ocean.

Search: On typing any biological entity (gene, protein, drug, diseases), the engine identifies the term or key concept and provides a list of suggestions/possible entities of interest. The search result page enlists all the results which can be sorted by the user by recency or relevancy.

Author Search: Ontosight Discover allows searching for an author by entering the author’s name prefixed with ‘@’ (e.g: @Hartung). For full name search, user must add ‘-‘ separator for first-middle-last name (e.g: @Hans-Peter-Hartung)

Analytics: Analytics redirects the user to a summarized dashboard view of results, presented by asset/resource class. The results are presented in graphical format with pre-selected top entities correlated with the search string.

Advanced search: This redirects the user to a query builder form that allows user to create complex search queries using various filters and parameters. The page is pre-populated with the original search terms, bucketed into entity types. User can further add new entities to the search query to refine the context.

Does Ontosight Discover alerts the user when new evidence/information related is available?

Yes. The user is alerted as and when new evidence and information related to a saved search query is found. Ontosight Discover enables this through research clusters. User-created query around search criterion (for eg. Metformin and Breast Cancer) can be saved as a research cluster using ‘Save as cluster’ on Results page. A research cluster can be used to track progress on the selected query results.

The platform offers ‘My Workspace’ as a central place to view and manage these clusters. It sums up details of all activities of the user into search history and ‘My Favourites’, where the user can find Bookmarked and annotated content for specific asset classes and entities or search queries of interest (for eg. PD-1 therapy updates in congresses)

How does the module enable discovery of concepts related to the search query?

It enables discovery of top related concepts through an Interactive word cloud which can be sorted by correlation or frequency. The results are displayed for related interventions, indications, genes, and proteins with color coding. Moreover, statistics of research for last 10 years are provided.

Does Ontosight Discover allow discovery of KOLs related to the search query?

The Author tab allows to view a list of authors related to the search query. User can view author profile, research activity graph, and details of the selected author for a deep-dive understanding. The author profile provides the affiliations, key research areas, research activity and network.

How does Ontosight Discover help in accelerating research?

Ontosight Discover offers comprehensive features that allow faster discovery of insights and relevant facts. By identifying the biological entity in the search query, an intervention or gene hook is created.

The intervention hook redirects the user to a curated intervention landscape which provides details on the concerned search query along with information pertaining to drugs’ regulatory approvals, MOA, indications, competitive landscape, and trial landscape.

The gene hook redirects the user to a curated gene view comprising of gene summary, location, gene ontology, associated pathways, phenotypes, associated drugs, and synthetically lethal pairs.

Ontosight Discover updates content in real-time and thus, provides the latest information, helping take informed decisions.

Can we integrate our enterprise data or third-party data to Ontosight Discover?

Yes. Ontosight Discover allows safe integration of enterprise and third-party data with the use of the blockchain technology.

Is Discover free or paid?

Ontosight Discover is a subscription-based platform. If you are in industry, feel free to contact Innoplexus directly to set up a demo and quote. If you are an academic researcher, request your library services department to contact Innoplexus for free access to Ontosight Academics.

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